Friday, January 14, 2011


My co-worker has had celiac disease since 2002 and has been a WEALTH of knowledge for me. She did a FREE dietitian consult on me!  So much information. She has been leaving me little gluten free treats to try, and has flooded my desk with written materials to read or have.  I appreciate it so much. Part of me thinks that she may be a little glad that she has a "gluten free bud" now in the office.  I will be someone she can share the pain with-meeting eyes when we know an office birthday treat or pot luck is not something we can enjoy.  I hope in the end, I can be an ally while the rest of the NON-gluten free world can be considered the enemy. 
She left me a power point for a presentation that she did a while back and a few slides hit me. I thought WOW in my head. I shared with Andy and thought this was so interesting.
See below:

So how much gluten can someone diagnosed with Celiacs disease have?
Answer: 10 - 50 mg per day             Amer J Clin Nutr 2007, 85: 160-166
            1 slice of Bread 2500 mg of gluten

What does this look like?
~1/50th of a slice of bread = 100 mg gluten (2 x the tolerable amount)
In order to to stay in the safe zone of how much gluten is tolerable you have to cut that small 1/49th of  slice into 10 more pieces.

There ya go. That is why crumbs matter.  I didn't really get it until I saw this. Now I understand why I need my own side of the toaster, cupboard, peanut butter.  The crumbs from Andy's bread could drop into my jar and then get spread on my gf bread. Ha! Would this really happen? Maybe...
but WOW!


  1. Very interesting. I can't wait to learn more!

  2. I hope you are sleeping like a log and soon waking up full of energy. Amazing facts that so many of us never knew and what a fun package from Greg!

  3. greg rocks..those mixes are probably expensive! FUN FUN! the crumbs shown will really help loved ones "get" it like you did!

  4. wow- increcible. thanks for sharing
