Wednesday, January 26, 2011

nothin....and more pity-beware!

I can't be positive (even fake positive) about being sick and having celiac's disease.

My stomach turns at the thought of eating something that is supposed to taste like my comfort foods, but doesn't really do it.
I'm not hungry. But Andy keeps reminding me that I have to eat.
I really miss Mrs. grass soup and saltines. The way a saltine feels in my mouth is not something that can be duplicated by any gf cracker I've come across. They are all so crunchy my brain ricochets off my skull while I chew them.
A lot of the gf foods are tolerable, but sort of have a taste like I'm eating in a foreign country. And when I'm not feeling good, it's hard to convince myself to do it. So yes, this is another pity post.
Mashed potatoes and white rice are the 2 things that will still taste the same...

Since I'm in bed I sent Andy to his restaurant of choice and told him to get whatever favorites he wants. I can't smell so whatever he comes home with should not waft upstairs and bother me.

On another note-the pharmacists today were not that helpful in deciphering if my medications were gluten free. They didn't offer to call the company for me or encyclopedia-brown-it and figure it out for themselves. I was too sick to really care and am chancing it. But I am starting to get more comfortable talking about it with people I don't know. Nobody has looked at me like I'm crazy.

Since I was sick last weekend, I didn't go with Andy to visit his brother-which means I never made it "out" to eat. This weekend....pending I have an appetite and I feel better, I am challenging myself to going to a restaurant. I've been hearing little things here and there about different restaurants and chains that have a gluten free menu.

My brother has been trying some of the Bob's Red Mill products. It has made me so happy to get emails telling me what he has thought of them. Both times he has mentioned that his girlfriend, Liz, has not liked the product. This makes me happy because I don't want the added pressure that I, too, have to be impressed by it if I'm not. I am excited to try the product, but knowing that others might think it's not as good as the real thing, makes me feel HUMAN. Thanks Liz!

My mom had her celiac panel done. They didn't do the genetic portion, but they did the antibody test. Of course it came back normal! But it was fun to compare our results.

That's it.
That's all for now.

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