Thursday, January 20, 2011

This just in....

I waited all week for today to arrive.  Thursday....ahh good old Thursday. It was the day the receptionist at Dr. B (eli's pediatrician) said I could call back.  Wednesday I thought it was Thursday. Thursday felt like Wednesday. Everything was complicated because I had an intern with me at work, which made it difficult to make a "personal" call. But what did I care? She was sitting right next to me when the e-mail came through from my gi doc diagnosing me with celiac's.  (awkward!)
It took ALL day for me to finally get Eli's results. I had to make many phone calls and I left work almost in tears as I still didn't have an answer.  As Andy and I made our gf dinner, the phone rang.  I couldn't get to the phone....was it in my pocket? jacket pocket? on the counter? in my purse.  Andy couldn't believe it.  It was either the doc or my sister in labor-both reasons to scavenge everywhere and find that phone!  It was the nurse. She apologized for all of the confusion.  The hospital had faxed over different lab results from October. Regardless---this just in! Eli's blood work showed no sign of celiac disease!
I jumped up and down, requested the lab work sent to our house and threw Eli in the air.  I told him he could eat cupcakes and pizza! hahaha.  It was great.
I know that if the results would have had elevated antibodies, we would have bonded together over a gluten free diet-but I prefer he bond with his daddy with cake, cereal, fishy crackers and eventually a good ol' miller lite.


  1. breathing a sigh of relief after this one! sooo happy for mr. elijah casey!

  2. Greatest news all week. Couldn't wait for you to get in so I could give you a big hug. jg
