Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Sick One

Last night I met a couple of awesome ladies out for dinner. We ate at an Italian restaurant that has a great deal-purchase an entree and bring another one home for the next day.  We were all excited and made out on the deal!  The best part of this ITALIAN restaurant is that it's not painful for me-b/c they have gluten free options.  And they make you feel confident because they have the chef come out and talk to you and he/she knows what they are talking about.  I had the fettuccine alfredo and ate the WHOLE bowl.  I brought home the baked ziti.  They offer a rice fettuccine noodle and a corn based rotini noodle that they used in place of the ziti.  I was in my glory. it was a true treat.  
I ate 1/2 of the ziti for lunch today and beamed. It tasted so "normal".  But eating at any restaurant comes the risk of getting sick from cross contamination.  It sort of looms there. I felt good all last night and this morning.  After lunch (I had the day off) I took a little nap and as soon as I woke up, I knew I was going to be sick.  Disappointing.  I want to blame the restaurant but I really don't want to either.  I've been really good to not take many chances because that is frowned upon in a major way during pregnancy.

Either way....I have lately been feeling yucky about getting sick every once in a while.  Sometimes it's after eating something that could be questionable.  Sometimes I think I should have read the label a little more closely or looked up an ingredient instead of just assuming. Sometimes I can't figure it out at all. It's not happening daily or anything, but enough that it's frustrating.  Andy's pretty good about it but doesn't know what to say.  What bothers me the most is that when you throw in this diagnosis, the Swine flu I had a few months ago, and now pregnancy, I just feel like I'm sick all the time.  Andy is always asking me how I'm feeling.  I sometimes have a complaint. He is never sick. He never gets an upset stomach. He never feels fatigued, has headaches (unless he had a lot to drink the night before)or has to question what he ate with confusion.  I just never wanted to be the "Sick wife".  I don't want him to feel like he has to put up with me. I want everything under control.  I don't want him to regret or feel like he has to take care of me.  I want to be a strong, independent woman who is confident about a lot of things.  Getting sick makes me feel the opposite.

It's just a different aspect of having a disease I guess. At least it's not fatal right? I wonder if other Celiac's feel this way.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure other celiac's do feel the same way. I think you are becoming a very "independent celiac" by the way, asking questions, speaking to those in charge at a restaurant, making wise decisions and cross contamination is a bugger. Sorry about Daddy Maxwell's after I was so excited about their menu.
