Friday, June 17, 2011

Is this gluten free?

I read this the other day and thought it was hilarious.
Anyone who has a food allergy or a family member who has one understands the importance of reading the ingredient label.
Here are the simple step by step directions for how to do this, followed by how your heart/mind reacts when reading, followed by the final directions.  It made me giggle as this has happened to me-the last (or last few) ingredients are always a disappointment.   Usually it is something as simple as malt flavor right near the end...

Pick up box
Turn wrist
read ingredients
yes yes yes yes yes yes! yes! no
Put back on shelf


  1. That's why, for me, it's best if I just follow a gluten free recipe that's PRINTED RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. You are doing so great Rain and I hope "up North" goes well and you get to enjoy all (& more) of the eating, resting, relaxing, wandering, reading, sleeping, and playing that you can squeeze into one week!

  2. Love this post. Covers the challenge faced by many but your good humor too:) JG
