Friday, April 8, 2011


There are SO so SO so SO so So many gluten free blogs.
I thought I was looking at 3 that were favorites.  and THEN! I went and googled specific ingredients to make a few new recipes and oh my goodness. A whole bunch of new blogs came my way.

I wish I could have a career in reading (yes just reading, not writing) gluten free blogs.  Then I'd have time to bookmark my favorites. Comment on interesting things. Develop relationship with other gluten free bloggers and maybe try out some of the recipes.

Some la la land that could come true. For now...I'm just trying to figure out which few blogs I can keep up with.


  1. I'm sure you already have a solid list of local restaurants that have gf menus, but just in case you didn't know, PF Chang's has one! As a side note, I'm glad you have so many people to connect with through the internet!!

  2. Just pick your favorites and peek now and then and enjoy the new gf friends you make. Fun. I ordered some dinner rolls for Easter today, so I'll provide those :-)

  3. Glad there are so many resources for you. Did you find anything local? Maybe you could start there to make a real connection. Can imagine you in your jammie pants with the laptop reading recipe after recipe, makes me smile.

  4. When you are here next I am goign to show you how to set up a "blog reader" so you can read faster than actually visiting blog sites. It will make it possible to keep up with more blogs in less time!
