Wednesday, February 9, 2011

updates, thoughts, happenings

just random thoughts

1. This weekend Andy and I went out to 2 different restaurants to try being gluten free in public. I was a little anxious. I think Andy was just excited to eat out of the home and be on a "date".  The first restaurant was pretty good.  We went to the bar before sitting down and I asked the bar tender if the Bloody Mary Mix had gluten in it. He shot back fast and furious "I don't know. Probably".  It seemed insensitive to me, because it truly was my first time requesting.  I looked at Andy (probably with scared eyes) and asked if I could read the label.  He was nice after that.  Our waitress sat down in the booth with me to help me look at the menu which was really personal and nice.  She also told me she would not bring out the fresh bread and butter. VERY nice.  The 2nd place we went could not print their gf menu. I thought that was weird.  But we had good service.  Saturday afternoon I did get a little sick and I'm guessing my food had the "seasoning" on it that they said gf-ers couldn't have.  I could taste the spice/seasoning on my food so maybe they forgot? Or maybe it's just medication I'm on.

2. Yesterday, there was a kit kat in my presence (my very favorite candy) and cheese-its.  Both were hard to watch.

3. Andy's birthday was yesterday.  We enjoyed a yummy meal together and he ate his chocolate cake.  That part didn't bother me.  He did make himself an (unhealthy) appetizer that smelled SO good. I couldn't have it and stared at it on the stove.  Instead of staring...I took over on Eli's bath and told Andy to EAT. 

4.  So far I have no shed too many tears over this, but I still don't think it has hit me that I can't eat some of my favorites ever again.  I still think it's so hard to wrap my head around the aspect of forever.  A choice made for me.....and it's forever.  I just can't picture not having that option.  I feel like it a fad diet. Like at any moment I can say-forget it. Done.  Moving on and give me that bagel. 

5.  I'm struggling a bit with breakfast. I'm having cereal every day. I love cereal but I also love the smell of toast in the morning.I always loved toast.  I have been eating 1 or 2 yogurts every day.  And Andy has been SO nice to leave all the leftovers for me to take in my lunch. I'm starting Elisabeth Hasselbeck's book. It's been recommended by a few. 

That's about all. My appointment with the gi doc is next week. Andy is going to go with me. What should I ask him?

1 comment:

  1. Just found this blog. So curious how it's all going?! And after the reading the first comment, I could totally relate. People will not understand gluten-free, so they'll seem insensitive. Same thing happens with dairy (though I know it's not as serious a problem). They'll say they don't know, and then act like it doesn't matter. Or they won't even offer to check, so I have to push it. It's annoying enough having to ask---heck, even after like 7 years I still get awkward about it, because it's such a hassle and prolongs an already awkward encounter with a server. But persevere, and don't let them bother you.

    Salmon, butternut squash, and home-canned beets for dinner here tonight. We're always surprised when we finish a meal and can realize, "Hey, that was gluten free!"
